mediaCAT Export

a mediaCAT Foundation application module

Create interactive catalogues with mediaCAT Foundation and, with no more than just a few mouse clicks, export them to our B2B Portal or publish them on a CD/DVD.

mediaCAT Export enables interactive catalogues to be published with very little effort. Once an export procedure has been defined, mediaCAT Foundation's redundancy free database ensures subsequent catalogue exports will always contain the latest updates and changes.


Thanks to our export wizard, interactive catalogues designed with mediaCAT Foundation, are extracted along with all their required resources (text, images, audio, video, parts information, image hot-spots, hypertext links and documents) and published online or as a CD/DVD.

  • Internet based mediaCAT WEB catalogues are hosted on eVision's B2B Portal where they integrate seamlessly with a value-added suite of additional online applications.
  • mediaCAT CD/DVD catalogues enable offline browsing but still offer e-Commerce functionality and interaction with eVision's B2B portal once internet connectivity is restored.


mediaCAT Foundation's Export wizard allows you to:

  • Export multiple catalogues to a single web or CD-ROM environment.
  • Decide whether catalogues should be language specific, country specific, product family specific, or a combination of the above.
  • Specify which resources to export and effectively adapt catalogues to subsequent application needs (e.g.: sales vs service).
  • Customise the user interface to a specific look-and-feel, include company logos, change fonts and choose colours.
  • Assign password security to designate access groups or individual users.

mediaCAT CD

The mediaCAT CD export procedure outputs a catalogue master to a directory of choice for subsequent burning to a CD/DVD or Blue Ray disk. The CD may then be duplicated and distributed. mediaCAT's proprietary viewing software is included in the master.

CD based catalogues are ideal for fast offline viewing.

e.g.: Equipped simply with a laptop and no connectivity, a mobile mechanic may still access all his interactive Spare Parts & Technical Catalogues, pricing, media and service related documentation. He may also create spare parts orders and warranty claims. With subsequent internet connectivity restored, shopping carts will be uploaded to eVision's B2B portal where they may be reviewed, modified and checked-out. Offline orders may also be transmitted via email, printed or faxed.

mediaCAT WEB

The mediaCAT WEB export procedure generates a complete web based catalogue environment and publishes it to eVision's B2B portal, or to an internet domain of choice.

Web based publishing

Published web based catalogues fit seamlessly within eVision's B2B portal with no additional configuring or fine tuning required. Once uploaded they align and integrate with all eVision's B2B modules.

Incremental updates

Fast paced organisations that constantly revise catalogues will appreciate the ease with which they may be updated and published (1-click!).
Export procedures are incremental (only effective changes are exported), saving significant time, especially with large, complex catalogues.

Making the most of digital media management

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