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  • March 22, 2022

As corporations strive to gain greater efficiencies and provide increasing value to customers, all without further strain on their internal resources, they are moving more and more relevant information and processes online. Thanks to eVision’s Invoice Repository and the recently added Open Items module, corporations may now upload customer invoices, outstanding payments and other client-related financial data directly to their B2B portal.

Open Items

eVision’s Open Items module provides customers with an intuitive accounts summary dashboard. Columns are neatly organised to indicate the status of each outstanding payment:
  •  Amount to expire – Orders that have been shipped and invoiced, but for which payments are not yet due,
  • Amount under review – A short term “grace” area for recently expired payments that are not yet considered overdue,
  • Amount expired – overdue payments,
  • Deferred invoicing – orders that have been shipped but not yet invoiced.
If required, customers may find additional context by clicking on the invoice number to view and download a copy of the original invoice.

Credit limits and financial exposure may also be displayed to provide customers with up-to-date and comprehensive financial accounts.

It is also possible to link Open Items to eVision’s credit card payment interface, allowing customers who have exceeded their credit limit to settle overdue payments directly within the portal, freeing up their credit line for other pressing needs, such as urgent spare parts orders.

Invoice Repository

eVision’s invoice repository is designed to host a two-year range of searchable customer invoices and credit notes.
On their main dashboard customers will find a summary of all their relevant financial documents, which may be recalled, displayed and downloaded with a simple click.
Based on whatever underlying technologies are already in place, data may be retrieved from the corporate ERP as follows: 
  • Offline – invoice and credit note data is regularly exported and uploaded to the portal. Each successive scheduled export overwrites the previous and updates the repository.
  • Real-time – A web-service is deployed to query an external document management application or repository, to retrieve, open and download a pdf copy of the original invoice or credit note.
Dynamic links may be created for fields displayed in the invoice repository dashboard (such as order numbers), that are relevant elsewhere in the B2B portal, enabling customers to jump between modules without losing context.
e.g.: From within the invoice repository a customer may click on the order n°, open the order tracking module and inspect the detailed contents of the original order.

Find out more
To download detailed, printable information on Open Items & Invoice Repository click here.

> For more information on eVision solutions, please contact us by clicking here.
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